Mp3d purebasic
Mp3d purebasic

mp3d purebasic

Until Quit = #True Or Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow If MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_PageUp) scale up modelĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_PageDown) scale down modelĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_Pad2) down moveĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_Q) forward moveĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_A) inward moveĮlseIf MP_KeyHit(#PB_Key_W) display wire frame for the material MP_DrawText (1,15,"keyPad keys: up.")ĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_Down) rotate rightĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_Right) rotate upĮlseIf MP_KeyDown(#PB_Key_Left) rotate down

mp3d purebasic

Rotx0= rotx:roty0=roty:rotz0=rotz back up rotation status Rotx= rotx0:roty=roty0:rotz=rotz0 restore rotation status MP_PositionEntity (Mesh,0,0.1,3) Position des Meshs Texture = MP_LoadTexture("Rusty_Steel.jpg") ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp If i=numMajor-1 And j=numMinor-1 bypass the last triangle MP_AddTriangle(Mesh,v + numMinor+1,v + numMinor+2,v+1 ) MP_AddTriangle(Mesh,v,v+1,v + numMinor+1) ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Txu = txu + 1/numMajor texture coordinates Txv = txv + 1/numMinor texture coordinates Y = r*Sin(t) * (majorRadius + minorRadius * Cos(u))

mp3d purebasic

X = r*Cos(t) * (majorRadius + minorRadius * Cos(u)) MajorRadius.f = 2: minorRadius.f = 1.5: numMajor.l = 50: numMinor.l = 25 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Mesh = MP_CreateMesh() Erzeuge leeres Mesh MP_Viewport(0,0,DesktopWidth(0),DesktopHeight(0)-60)Ĭamera=MP_CreateCamera() Kamera erstellen MP_DrawText (1,1,"press W _wireFrame, D _ delete triangles")īuttonGadget(#BUTTON, 0, DesktopHeight(0)-60, 60, 30, "rotate/stop") SetWindowTitle(0, "PgUp PgD scale mesh.Arrows for rotation, space: stop/rotate, QA far/near, key_pad R/L/U/D") MP_Graphics3D (DesktopWidth(0),DesktopHeight(0),0,2) Erstelle ein WindowsFenster #Window = 0


Save this texture to the same folder as the code It is useless in the context of my wish, i just want to celebrate your good news about newton 3.1. The following is a Gear 3D for MP3D based on a formula from matheworld So if you can implement that compound collider then may be we can make Gears ars#p50537 in which someone was trying to simulate gears and he ask what collision hull should he use for this purpose? and someone replied him: You want a compound collider ->.

mp3d purebasic

there is one thread in newton dynamics forum. So since you are going to newton dynamics 3.1 in the future, if you can make the 2 Gears tangled and the second gear rotate by the effect of the first gear, then will be great. look here for the gear in ogre bullet, it is impossible to go inside between two tooths. My wish if it is possible in newton dynamics to implement Gears, so the teeth of every one can go inside the other like the old clock, it is not possible to do this in bullet physics used in purebasic engine unless we choose its preperty as static and we want the gear to be dynamic.


Good news that you want to update to newton dynamics v3.1 and to add more functions In fact my main purpose is to run Gears, i will do more experiments with your example to see how much it will go with concave i have used Google SketchUp 8 to make a model for chinese sentence (karate school) after translating it by google translator, but after i have installed the chinese fonts, it has this feature in Tools -> 3D Text


I am still don't know how to do Gears in bullet since my C++ are little I have checked the file with and the results are Detection ratio 0 / 45 Michael, can we consider the example MP_Physic_Primitives.pb from C:\PureBasic\ MP3D Demos\3DPhysik\ an example about concave geometry physics ?! because i have tried to compile the bullet-2.81-rev2613 engine and there is an example calledĪpp_ConcaveDemo_vs2008_debug and it is almost do the same as your example, i attach the App_ConcaveDemo_vs2008_debug.exe it may need vc++2008 run time

Mp3d purebasic